Minority Shareholders Form Association to Advocate for Diverse Financial Offerings

Minority Shareholders Form Association to Advocate for Diverse Financial Offerings

A group of minority shareholders of a leading financial institution have recently come together to establish an association aimed at safeguarding their interests amid a potential takeover bid. They are pushing for a more diverse range of financial options to support economic growth and resist the formation of monopolies. The association, headquartered in the historic … Read more

Shift in Investor Behavior: Rise in Public Debt Investment

Shift in Investor Behavior: Rise in Public Debt Investment

The latest market trends indicate a significant shift in investor behavior towards public debt investment. Despite lower yields, Spanish families are increasingly drawn to purchasing government bonds, reflecting a notable change in investment patterns. Data from the Banco de España reveals that retail investors boosted their investment in Treasury bonds by 65% in the first … Read more

Estonia’s Innovative Corporate Tax Model: Driving Business Growth and Investment

Estonia’s Innovative Corporate Tax Model: Driving Business Growth and Investment

Estonia’s corporate income tax system is renowned for its efficiency and unique approach. Companies in Estonia are not taxed on retained and reinvested profits, but only on profits distributed as dividends, with a flat tax rate of 20%. This system encourages reinvestment and growth, reducing immediate tax burdens. Estonia also offers incentives like a reduced … Read more

Josep Oliu Increases Stake in Banco Sabadell to 0.14%

Josep Oliu Increases Stake in Banco Sabadell to 0.14%

Josep Oliu has recently demonstrated his commitment to Banco Sabadell by investing one million euros in the bank’s shares. Through his company Torrellimona, Oliu acquired 500,000 shares at a unit price of 2.05 euros, totaling an investment of 1.02 million euros. This move solidifies his dedication to the bank’s ongoing initiatives, amidst a looming takeover … Read more